Engage in Psychotherapy
from Anywhere

Engage in Psychotherapy
from Anywhere

Participation in and long-term adherence to treatment among individuals struggling with mental health and/or substance use disorder remains incredibly low. A significant portion of the people in this country who receive treatment end up leaving their program early, often because it is too regimented or structured, they feel out of their element, do not feel comfortable or they have a hard time balancing their treatment with the rest of their lifestyle obligations, like school, work or family.

Remote therapy is breathing new life into the treatment process through mobility, innovation and flexibility. Counseling sessions and meetings can be done in the comfort and privacy of a patient’s own home through video conferencing and other means. The process provides the comfort and mobility that everyone wants without sacrificing the support and connection that everyone needs. iRecovery is leading the charge on the remote therapy revolution. Contact us today at 855-770-0581 to find out what we can do for you.

telemedicine addiction florida

iRecovery’s program has removed many of the personal and logistical barriers that prevent patients from getting the help they need. Contact us today at 855-770-0581 to figure out what we can do for you or your loved one.


Our admissions representatives are standing by to answer any questions you have and expedite your entry into treatment. Get in touch with us today.